A SIS Service User (SU) called our virtual switchboard and left a message in his language to ask for our support. A SIS bilingual Volunteer called him back to find out more about his needs. He explained that he wanted to be seen by a specialist about his spine and knee problems, as well as a medication review from his GP. He also asked for support with an immigration issue. We subsequently received an advocacy referral from a caseworker at Voices in Exile. Based on the above, we opened 2 parallel cases for him – Advocacy and Social Prescribing.
The advocacy case was to support his access to a specialist about his spine and knee. The pain medication he was on was becoming less effective and causing side effects. His GP had told him he had been referred to a specialist in July 2023, but he had heard nothing since.
As the SU does not speak English, when he contacts his GP surgery he is not able to explain his health conditions before he is given an appointment with his GP. He required support to explain his needs to the receptionist and GP. He had been to the GP to ask about referrals to a specialist but had not been contacted by a specialist and did not know if anything was happening or when he might expect to hear from them. This was causing him considerable anxiety and worry.
The Advocate spoke to his GP surgery and explained why he needed an urgent appointment regarding his medication and got details about referrals that had been made last year. She was then able to follow up the referrals with the hospital and Sussex MSK Partnership (Musculoskeletal).
When the Advocate followed up on the referrals made to the hospital, they confirmed that they had received referrals from the GP but had then allocated the SU to be seen by MSK rather than the hospital. They suggested following up with MSK to find out why the SU had not been given an appointment yet. When the advocate spoke to MSK on the SU’s behalf, they explained that they have a long waiting list and that he needs to be seen at their spine clinic before being referred for MRI / imaging and a hospital specialist. MSK were processing referrals from June 2023, and confirmed to the Advocate that he should receive his appointment information within the next few weeks as he had been referred to them in July 2023.
The Advocate requested that the appointment letter should be sent by post and text message so that he doesn’t miss his appointment because of language needs. She also requested that an interpreter be booked for his appointment. She then informed the SU that he should look out for the appointment letter / text message, and to self-refer again to SIS if he needs further support with that.
Before closing the case, the Advocate checked in with the SU. He still had not received his appointment, so she called MSK to follow up. They confirmed that they were still working on June referrals but that they would be in touch soon. She was also able to ask for him to be added to a waiting list of cancellations in case a cancellation came up.
The SU had an appointment to talk about his medication with his GP. He was reassured that the referral was in hand and that he would be contacted soon to be offered an MSK appointment.
The SU reflected at the end of his case on the impact of the Advocate’s support:
‘I felt confident to talk openly with my Advocate about my needs. I am very thankful for your support. It has given me the clarity of what to expect, I had been waiting to hear about my referral for over 6 months and I was very worried that I may not be seen, I can now wait a few weeks with peace of mind.’
Note: We collaborate with Advocates to write these stories but remove the names of the Advocates, the language used and other details to ensure confidentiality for Service Users.