Our Vision, Mission and Values
Our vision is of an inclusive and diverse society where people of all cultural and linguistic backgrounds are able to live in harmony, play a full and valued role and enjoy the same rights.
SIS exists to enable full access, for people with language needs, to publicly funded services in order to improve health, education and overall quality of life.
SIS Values
SIS values the linguistic and cultural diversity of our society and communities and strives to be inclusive in all aspects of our work.
SIS believes in the right of every individual to be treated with respect and to equality of access to services.
SIS prizes its contribution to strengthening multicultural communities and promotes community interpreting and translating as keys to cultural understanding.
SIS understands that feedback, development and innovation are crucial to learning and service improvement.
SIS believes that services are strengthened when stakeholders are offered opportunities to participate and collaborate and that this will be the key to the way we work.
SIS wishes to be accountable through the involvement of our trustees, members and communities.
SIS Statement of Intent
SIS aims to provide Community Interpreting services to meet the appropriate communication needs of all clients. We believe clients have the right to equality of access to public services and to informed consent.
SIS will ensure that services are provided on an equal basis, and without discrimination, regardless of the ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief, disability, gender or gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy and health status of the service user.
SIS will ensure that no job applicant, employee, linguists, member or trustee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief, disability, gender or gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy and health status.
SIS is committed to managing and celebrating diversity. We wish to be inclusive and appreciate the value of people from every community bringing different ideas, experiences and skills to contribute towards innovation and improvement in service delivery.