The SIS AGMs are our flagship engagement event at which we go beyond the necessary and required official business to showcase and celebrate our work.
When we were able to hold in-person AGMs, Community Interpreters worked at the events to ensure that Service Users were able to make the most of the event. We used voting handsets to great effect to undertake simple surveys and get feedback and opinion from attendees. The next face-to-face AGM will hopefully be held in 2023.
We have frequently held Service User Days supported by Community Interpreters or Bilingual Community Researchers.
2023 In Person Again: Service User Day
2018 “Meet SIS 2” in partnership with Neighbourhood Care Scheme
2017 “Meet SIS” in partnership with Neighbourhood Care Scheme report of findings
2013 “Health Services SIS Service User Day” in partnership with BMECP and CCG
2012 “First SIS Service User Day”
Translations of feedback from each event can be found on the language specific pages.
Feedback collected at these events led to SIS developing the Health Promotion Project (HPP) which operated from 2014 – 2019, Bilingual Advocacy Project (BAP) which operated from 2015 – 2018, and our current suite of support services; social prescribing, advocacy, befriending, engagement and research.
SIS partnered with TDC in delivering an Annual Health and Well-being Event for BME individuals at which there were presentation, workshops and consultation groups. SIS translated the invitations and promoted the event, providde interpreting support on the day and asked other services to think about the accessibility of their messages and literature, encouraging translation.
2019 Volunteering and Wellbeing Fairs
2018 “A Way A Day” Report
2016 “Many Cultures One City” Report
2014 “All Our Voices” Report