Customer Service Excellence
In 2009 SIS became one of the first Community and Voluntary Sector organisations to secure the cabinet office quality standard Customer Service Excellence. We have now held this quality mark for 11 years.
In 2019, we received Compliance+ in Five areas: Customer Experience, Customer Insight, Community Support, Employee Empowerment, Partnerships
This governmental quality mark tests areas of public services that research has indicated are a priority for customers; delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude. There is also emphasis placed on developing customer insight and measurement of service satisfaction.
“Interaction with wider communities remains as a massive strength with SIS held in high esteem locally. Partner organisations see them as a highly credible organisation with an excellent grasp of local issues and feel they play a key role in signposting and networking within local communities with many demonstrable benefits”
CSE Assessor Feb 2017