We are very proud to publish our 2023-2024 Annual Review Investing to Grow
It is hard to believe we are 30!
We began small. We delivered 600 interpreting sessions a year in 15 languages.
Today we manage 20,000 interpreting sessions a year in 47 languages.
Over 30 years we provided 300,000+ interpreting sessions for 25,000 Service Users speaking over 50 languages.
We are investing to grow – building on our pandemic recovery.
This was the second year of our new interpreting contract that includes all NHS Trusts across Sussex and many Local Authorities.
This year we delivered more services for more people.
Over 2500 Service Users were newly registered – a clear demonstration of our continuing reach.
You can read about our wider offer of support and the amazing work of our Linguists.
Our `no wrong door` approach means whichever way people come to us we will support them.
We focus on accessible information and easy routes to our services.
We are very proud that this year we were awarded 15 areas of Compliance Plus by the Customer Service Excellence Assessor.
This is an outstanding achievement, placing us in the highest 5-10% of assessed organisations
We take great care to present accessible and reliable data that can be accurately compared over many years.
You can read some of this on pages 6 & 7.
We encourage public services and the Community, Voluntary & Social Enterprise Sector to use this resource.
To understand the language needs of our diverse communities and to plan their services.
We hope you find our Annual Review an informative and engaging read.
We will be adding 2 pages of photographs from over the years after our AGM, so please check back in to see those!
We welcome your feedback Annual Review feedback
Thank you to all our brilliant:
Staff Team, Community Interpreters, Community Translators, Bilingual Advocates, Bilingual Link Workers, Volunteer Linguists, Community Researchers, Bilingual Befrienders and Trustees – you are amazing!
A special thank you to all the contributors to the Annual Review and to Matt for the brilliant design and production work.
A very special thank you to Aidan Pettitt who will be stepping down as Chair of the Management Committee at our AGM.
Aidan has helped to steer us through the pandemic and inspired us to set our sights on helping more people – to live our values.
Aidan writes eloquently about the importance of our work in his Chair`s message on page 2
You are very welcome to join us in celebrating 30 years of SIS at our AGM.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 19th November 2024, 15.30-19.30, Ralli Hall, Hove.
You can register here: https://sussexinterpreting.org.uk/agm/
We are printing 200 copies of our Annual Review, which will be available at our AGM and other community engagement events.
If you are interested in speaking to us about becoming a SIS Trustee we would love to hear from you
Thank you & Happy Birthday SIS!
Arran Evans – Director – on behalf of everyone at SIS