SIS is celebrating 30 years!
As part of our celebrations we have received 12 wonderful video messages of support from interpreters, trustees, partners and commissioners.
We intend to post one a month for the year as part of our continuing celebrations.
The first Video Message from SIS Community Interpreter Lai Lai has been posted.
You will be able to see each short video message as a SIS Story on or around the first Tuesday of the month.
Many of the video messages were played at our very special AGM in November 2024. You can read more about our AGM here: Celebrating 30 Years!
Over 30 years I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some amazing people.
So many wonderful Linguists, many of whom have taken SIS to their hearts. SIS is their organisation.
Without their skill, dedication and humanity we could not do what we do.
The success of SIS is down to every colleague in the Team, to every Interpreter, each Trustee.
Each person brings something essential and help to make our charity very special.
As a human rights organisation we have had to swim against the stream of intolerance, racism, inhumanity.
We have pushed back with a campaigning spirit. Found a way to put people at the centre again. To focus on the human elements of interpreting, advocacy, social prescribing. To give people a voice and protect their dignity.
There is still a lot to be done. Many of our Service Users do not have access to preventative health services, to trauma services, to community services.
The lack of legal advice leaves people in limbo and undocumented. Unable to access housing, refuges, family reunion and work. Digital exclusion is increasing health inequality.
These are all challenges, and we will play our part in addressing them.
Thank you to everyone who makes SIS so special and to everyone who shared their video message.
Arran – SIS Director on behalf of everyone at SIS