We are happy to announce SIS was successful in our tender bid (NHS Sussex – Mini Comp – Joint Commissioned Interpreting Contract) for Face To Face Interpreting, Telephone Interpreting and Video Interpreting.
The new Contract will start on 1st November 2022 and operate for at least 3 years.
The Contract demonstrates NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board’s commitment to delivering accessible services and to meeting the communication needs of the diverse communities within Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex.
It will provide for the interpreting needs of patients accessing:
• Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group*
• NHS East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group*
• NHS West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group*
(*now operating as NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board )
• Sussex NHS Partnership Foundation Trust
• Sussex NHS Community Foundation Trust
• University Hospitals Sussex Foundation Trust
• East Sussex Health Care Trust
This is the first time that SIS will provide community interpreting to ALL NHS Trusts across Sussex in such a comprehensive and joined up way.
SIS Service users have always expressed a preference for Face to Face Interpreting. We are proud to have been ranked 1st in the Tender for Face to Face Interpreting.
This achievement highlights our excellent track record of delivering high quality interpreting services for over 26+ years.
Our delivery model aligns with NHS delivery principles for Integrated Care Systems and the Contract will operate on an open access model allowing patients to self-refer. We are excited to be in a position to elevate, promote and expand on services offered and to deliver bigger and better for the future; We will provide Face to Face, Telephone and Video Interpreting across General Practice (GP) services, NHS Dentists, Pharmacies and Opticians across Sussex. The contract also includes provision for the interpreting needs of Social Prescribing Services within GP services and for some Community and Voluntary Sector Advice Services.
SIS will continue to support all NHS staff in their use of Digital Technology to access SIS services. We are confident the Contract will be instrumental to ensuring parity of community interpreting provision across the whole of Sussex, and to promoting health equality and social value.
The new Contract will also allow for our supporting fairer Terms and Conditions for all SIS Linguists and is something we have consistently advocated for with commissioners.
Our success in securing this Tender is testimony to the hard work, commitment, dedication and professionalism of all our Linguists, Staff, Trustees and Volunteers.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in and contributed to our success.
If you would like to know more about SIS and how to access our services please contact SIS Directors