Evaluation of Dental Services Survey 2016
Booking interpreters works well, no improvements needed. It’s always good to speak to a person. I feel confident that SIS Community Interpreters always attend.
- 10 responses from 88 emails sent (11%)
- 3 practitioners working with Community Interpreters
- 7 practice staff making bookings
How long have you been using SIS?
Indicates that the respondents have a lot of experience of how SIS provides services.
100% would recommend SIS to their colleagues.
How did you find out about SIS?
Other* – NHS website
Very high across all areas identified by CSE as important to customers.
Only one comment of dis-satisfaction regarding Access:
“when interpreter doesnt turn up the only way to contact is via email to the office which does not get an immediate response”
SIS will ensure this Service Provider has our telephone contact details (including emergency phone number) so that we can be easily contacted.
This compares favourably to previous years.
Only the three practitioners responded to the priority ranking question (not practice staff).
Far and away the most important aspect to the dental practitioners was:
- The Community Interpreter is trained to an accredited level.
Of medium importance were:
- The Community Interpreter can provide appropriate cultural information
- I have the continuity of the same Community Interpreter for the same patient
- The Community Interpreter can be booked within a short period of time
Of equally low importance were:
- I can have a pre-session with the Community Interpreter to plan the appointment
- SIS operates a 24 hour emergency service
No explanatory comments were offered and no additional priority suggestions.
SIS Guidelines
100% of respondents had found the SIS Guidelines for working with Community Interpreters useful and were open to receiving these guidelines during training and/or from the SIS website when needed.
Telephone Interpreting
Respondents thought telephone interpreting could be useful used for:
- Emergency appointments
- Clarifying session objectives prior to the appointment
- Reconfirming consent for on-going treatment
Impact of SIS
Please respond to the following statements according to how strongly you agree. “Working with a SIS Community Interpreter helps…”