Seasonal vaccinations

Keeping loved ones safe and protected is everyone’s priority.  The NHS have been campaigning to raise awareness for the seasonal vaccinations that vulnerable people should be getting. SIS was commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council Public Health Team to help with this campaign and ensure that our Service Users are included and have the…

Increasing Diversity in Research Participation

In Autumn of 2023, SIS was invited to join the Pan-Sussex Diversity in Health and Care Research Engagement Network (REN) to work alongside partners from the NHS, Universities and VCSE to create a regional network of diverse Community Researchers who could support Sussex-based health and care research.  To build the capacity of Community Researchers through…

SIS Shortlisted for Best Local Social Prescribing Team

SIS is delighted to have been shortlisted as finalists, from 200 entries, in the Social Prescribing Awards 2024. This honour is in recognition of fantastic work carried over the past 8 years by our team of volunteer linguists and paid caseworkers.  We have supported nearly 3000 people with their social, emotional and practical issues. Our…

SIS Community Research into Women’s Health

NHS Sussex commissioned SIS to contribute to the second phase of insight gathering to find out “What do Women in Sussex want from Women’s Health Services?”.  An Arabic Speaking SIS Bilingual Community Researcher (BCR) interviewed 5 Arabic Speaking Service Users to help give a voice to women and girls with language needs.  Their contribution has…

Translated Guides to Emergency Food in Brighton and Hove

In March 2023 Bridging Change published their report into The Food Access Needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Refugees and Asylum Seekers. SIS immediately responded with suggestion about how we might be able to help take forward some of the recommendations.  We have subsequently been working with  Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, Brighton…

SIS Service User Day 2023

On Monday 26th June 2023 SIS welcomed 33 SIS Service Users in 6 languages (Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, Italian, Pashto, Portuguese) to a specially organised lunch time event to help us get to know them better, hear their opinions about SIS, understand their needs and share knowledge about communities and culture. “We are  grateful for having…

Maternal Mental Health Research and Outcome

Earlier this year, SIS support one of our Service Users to share her views of maternity and post natal support with Healthwatch. This contribution was 1 of 20 interviews conducted by Healthwatch across the country and feedback was combined with results from a national survey completed by 2693 people. I was able to share my…

SIS Interpreters praised for their work

SIS frequently receives unsolicited feedback from customers about the great service delivered by the Self-Employed Sessional Linguists we work with. It is very gratifying for our team to get this insight into the interpreter’s work and the impact they make on public service delivery. The scope of the feedback helps to illustrate the technicalities, boundaries…