In Sussex the COVID-19 vaccination programme went live on 8 December 2020 at the Royal Sussex County Hospital – the first hospital hub for our region. The hospital teams have been vaccinating people over the age of 80 years old who are coming to the hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, hospital staff and staff from care homes in the area. Latest figures show it is one of the highest performing vaccination hospital hubs in the country.
Following this, the first GP led vaccination services then went live in Sussex last Tuesday 15 December. Nine sites supported by 26 GP practices in the region started to vaccinate their patients who are over the age of 80.
A further two GP led vaccination services go live today in Eastbourne – one in Princes Park and one at Hampden Park. These vaccinations will take place over the next three days for their registered patients over the age of 80.
We are also delighted to announce that two further hospital hubs have received their vaccine and are due to start vaccinating today – The Conquest Hospital in Hastings and Worthing Hospital.
There are sites in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex, and a full list of the sites which have gone live.
At the weekend, national guidance was shared with all GP practices and Primary Care Networks in relation to the vaccination of care home residents. This guidance explained how the vaccination could take place safely in care homes, in particular in relation to moving the vaccine. We are working with our GP practices this week to understand who wants to be involved in this element of the programme and how it can be rolled out across our care home sector. We will continue to keep you updated on this area of the programme.
Tier guidance and advice for people in Tier 4
Following the Government’s announcement of the new tier guidance at the weekend, we are working with our health and care partners, community and voluntary sector organisations and key stakeholders to share key information relating to the COVID-19 vaccination programme:
• Vaccination services can still go ahead in Tier 4 areas;
• People can travel to medical appointments (including vaccination appointments) and should unless you feel unwell or are concerned you may have COVID-19;
• Patient Transport is still operating in and out of Tier 4 areas to support people to reach medical appointments, including vaccination appointments